Breaking News

We believe it is.  Almost everyone is connected to the information highway now.  We do everything from shopping to gossiping on our customers and wireless devices.  One of the greatest functions we enjoy is the ability to pay our bills online.  We no longer have to write checks, buy stamps, stand in line, wait at a drive through window, or spend our time doing all these things.  The next logical step is to quit receiving those paper bills in the mail that get misplaced or even forgotten.  When you sign up with us to GO PAPERLESS, you accomplish several things. 

In the next few months you may see deposits billed to your account.  By City Ordinance all residential accounts must have a deposit unless they have had 12 months of on-time pay at which time the deposit will be applied back to the account.  If payments are made late at any point after the deposit has been applied back to the account, a "normal" deposit will be billed to the account.  If payments are made late 3 consecutive months or 6 times in a 12 month period, a "high risk" deposit will be required.  A "high risk" deposit is also required if the account has been at "shut-off" status in t

Benton Utilities is excited to announce the launch of its new and improved website, which goes live February 16, 2015. Benton Utilities collaborated with the Website building team of Pleth LLC out of Batesville, Arkansas to provide a fresh new look, easy navigation and more focus on what the customer needs. This website will be solely dedicated for the use of Benton Utilities.

The new site’s homepage welcomes visitors with a clean uncluttered design, with featured content focused on our mission to provide our customers with the most ease of access and accurate information.

Benton Utilities Water Dept. reminds citizens to protect the water systems in their homes and businesses from freezing. When water freezes, it expands. When water freezes in a pipe and expands enough, the pipe bursts, water escapes and serious damage results. Pipes in attics, crawl spaces and outside walls are all vulnerable to freezing, especially if there are cracks or openings that allow cold outside air to flow across the pipes.

The Benton Public Utility Commission meets on the first and third Monday of each month with the exceptions of holidays. When it falls on a holiday, the meeting is held following evening. Also, during the months of May to September, there may only be one meeting per month, and the dates of those meetings will be determined at a later date. If you have a reason to speak to the Commission, please call 501-776-5984 by the Wednesday before each of these dates and ask to be put on the agenda.

When the National Weather Service projects a stormy weather forecast, Benton Utilities employees do every- thing possible to prepare for upcoming storms. Sometimes, all scheduled vacations are cancelled for future dates until the storm passes by, this provides the necessary manpower needed to assist in power restoration, water line repairs, to keep the sewer lines pumping properly, and to take calls from our customers.

Download a pdf version of our Utility News - February 2015


Benton Utilities | 1827 Dale Avenue | Benton, AR 72015

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