Breaking News

  • The treatment plant is permitted through the Arkansas Dept. of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) and is issued a United States Environmental Protection Agency National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. This permit assures we are in compliance with the Clean Water Act which controls water pollution by regulating sources that discharge pollutants into waters of the United States, and it also requires the treatment plant to meet certain pollutant parameters on a monthly basis.

Ongoing Major Projects

Benton Utilities is excited to announce the completion of two sewer improvement projects. One involves the replacement of more than 2030 feet of old, deteriorated sewer pipe on the north side of McNeil Creek with 1007 feet of new 12-inch, PVC line. Thirteen aged manholes were also replaced with seven new ones with a corrosion resistant additive. One of the most important benefits of this project is the removal of 4 aerial crossings over McNeil Creek. This work was done along the creek behind Dyer Circle and Narroway Street.

The position of Comptroller for Benton Utilities was recently filled by Cindy Hawkins. Mrs. Hawkins has been an employee of the Utility department since 2004. She was originally hired to manage the Customer Service office. That position was enlarged to include meter reading and outside customer service soon after her arrival. The department name was changed to Billing Services to more adequately reflect the varied activities of the department.

To make sure that Benton Utilities can serve you to the best of our capability we frequently need to be able to contact our Customers in regards to high usage in Electricity and Water, outage situations, and emergencies. It is important to remember that your account information needs to be updated periodically so that we may be able to assist you in case these situations arise.

Water service is now fully restored to the area of Jefferson St. However, a crew will continue to work in the area cleaning up for a little while. The other crew is headed to the area of Crestwood and Short St. to make the necessary repairs there. Customers in this area will notice reduced pressure during this time. The main repair needed on Conway St. west of the intersection with Market St. will be made a priority repair in the morning.

Benton Utilities Water Distribution Dept. personnel are currently working to repair a water main on Jefferson St in front of the Sr.

Our Treatment Plant has abandoned any algaecide containing copper. We are now using a dry granular product called GreenClean Pro. This product kills algae and removes taste and odors. The byproduct of this product is water. The granules, when added to our raw water, turn into a hydrogen peroxide which attacks the algae. After it expends itself, the algae, taste, and odor are gone. We are always trying for better results with less complications.

Over the last two years, we have had our water towers cleaned by a company called Liquid Engineering. This company has the ability to vacuum any sediment from the tanks and inspect the entire tank inside and out with an audio and video recording. A diver in a dry-suit is disinfected with a strong chlorine solution, and he enters the tank full of water while it is still in service. This service allows us to know just exactly what shape our tanks are in, and that they are free from any settling particles. In the past, we had to empty millions of gallons of water to perform this process.

At this time, all power should be restored in the areas of the Troutt Addition, King Rd and Rio Grande. Anyone that has experienced power "blinks" should not have anymore, so if they do, please let us know.


Benton Utilities | 1827 Dale Avenue | Benton, AR 72015

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