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In the next few months you may see deposits billed to your account. By City Ordinance all residential accounts must have a deposit unless they have had 12 months of on-time pay at which time the deposit will be applied back to the account. If payments are made late at any point after the deposit has been applied back to the account, a "normal" deposit will be billed to the account. If payments are made late 3 consecutive months or 6 times in a 12 month period, a "high risk" deposit will be required. A "high risk" deposit is also required if the account has been at "shut-off" status in the last 12 months. A "normal" deposit is $100 for electric and $50 for water. These amounts double for "high risk" accounts. If your account is assessed an additional deposit, it will be billed at $50 per month until the deposit on the account reaches the required amount.
For commercial accounts, deposits must remain for the life of the account. Late payments will result in double deposits. Commercial deposits are based on the average usage of the account. City Ordinance requires that commercial accounts be audited to make sure that deposits are adequate for the recent usage. That audit was completed in February. If additional deposits are required on commercial accounts, they will begin to be billed in the March billing cycle.
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