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Home ›Benton Public Utilities Commission - Commissioner Opening
The Benton Public Utilities Commission is currently accepting resumes from citizens interested in serving on the Public Utilities Commission. This commissioner will be appointed to fill a partial-term vacancy which will expire on December 31, 2024. The commission has management responsibility over the Electric Distribution, Water Purification, Water Distribution, Wastewater Collection, Wastewater Treatment, Administrative Services and Purchasing Departments regarding long-term planning, personnel requirements, and operational needs. There is no salary with the position, but expenses incurred regarding Utility business may be reimbursed. Commissioners must reside in the City of Benton. Please, submit your resume and letter of interest to Benton Utilities 1827 Dale, Benton, AR 72015 or deliver to this address. Electronic applications will be accepted. Please call (501) 776-5984 for more information. Resumes will be accepted until position is filled.
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