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Home ›Hurricane Lake Estates Water Update 10/30/18 - 3:01 p.m.
Latest Update: The repair crew are buckling the repair clamp into place right now. It will take approx. 1 hour before this is completed. Once that is in place, the crew will start back filling the hole where the repair was made, and then they will slowly restore pressure to the effected area. When they start restoring pressure, you may notice fire hydrants running in the area. Do not be alarmed, they open the hydrants to flush out any air in the lines. Remember: those effected by the outage overnight and throughout today will be under a boil order, when service is restored. Under the 'Boil Order' Notice, all affected customers are advised that the water may be unsafe for human consumption, and water used for drinking or food preparation must be boiled briskly for one (1) minutes prior to use. All ice cubes should be discarded and only boiled water used for making ice. This notice will be lifted by the Arkansas Department of Health when one set of bacteriological samples indicates that the water is free of bacterial contamination, and an adequate disinfectant level is established throughout the distribution system. This normally takes at least 2 days and sometimes 3.
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