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Home ›Vehicle Versus Fire Hydrant - Water outage update
2/18/21, 11:39 a.m. - Customers should start noticing pressure returning to normal over the next hour or so. It is just going to take a while to recharge the all mains and services that were drained. The crew has isolated the problem which was a vehicle versus fire hydrant hit and run accident at the intersection of S. East & Willow St. They will be working over the next 3-4 hours to make the necessary repairs to the fire hydrant then they will reverse the isolation and all pressure should be back 100% to normal. As your pressure returns, you may notice air in your lines or milky water, when you pressure returns. If you do, please turn your cold water on approx. 5 minutes to remove the air. If you do not have normal pressure after 3 p.m., please give our office a call. We will do our best to get as much air out of the lines as well, it is just challenging with the weather our crews are enduring. We truly appreciate your understanding during this unprecedented winter storm.
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