Benton Utilities Water Main and Service Line Upgrades

Over the next 6 to 8 weeks, the Benton Utilities Water Distribution Department crews will be working in the area of North Lakeview, Donald Circle and Eldonwood.  They are replacing the existing 2” galvanized water main with a new 6” pvc main along with new service lines to the meters.  All of the work will be in front of the houses in the street and street right of way.  Customers services will only be out, when we are reconnecting their new service line to the new main which should take less than 30 minutes.  The main upgrade and service replacements will increase flow to the area as well as replace a deteriorating line that requires repairs often.  They will also be adding two new fire hydrants for better fire protection.


Benton Utilities | 1827 Dale Avenue | Benton, AR 72015

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