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Home ›Benton Utilities Water Line Upgrade Project
Benton Utilities will be advertising for a water main upgrade project in April of this year. The project is located in the area of Lillian and Carpenter Streets. This project will involve installing a new 10" water main along Lillian Street then north along Carpenter to near Military Road. We will also replace the existing 2" main along Lillian Street to near Military with a new 6" water main. In addition to the water main replacement, we will install new service lines, meters and adding new fire hydrants.
The new 10" water main will provide fire protection required for the proposed CVS pharmacy to be located at existing Kentucky Fried Chicken site. The developer of this property agreed to pay up to $ 75,000.00 towards the construction project. This system upgrade not only provides fire protection to the proposed site but the entire area as well.
Last year the Water Department Crews installed a new 6" water main from North Street along Lillian to Sevier Street as well as Conway and Hyten Streets. The two projects combined, we have upgraded approximately 4000' feet of water main, about 40 customer service lines and 7 new fire hydrants.
It's our goal to have the project completed during the summer break from school when the traffic in the area is at its lowest. This is a very busy area and we would ask that once construction begins try to avoid the area if possible. If you have to travel in the construction zone, please keep your speed lower than normal and never talk or text while driving.
The Benton Utilities Water Department would like to thank everyone in advance for their understanding and support of this project.
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