Benton Utilities Hires New Risk Manager

In April of this year, Benton Utilities hired a Risk Manager, Blake Wilson. He is responsible for establishing an aggressive Risk Management Program. His responsibilities include identifying, analyzing, assessing, controlling, and avoiding, minimizing, or eliminating unacceptable risks.

Mr. Wilson will also conduct Safety Meetings make sure all employees are familiar with requirements regarding safety gear and are prepared for risks due to weather or other things.

Since starting his tenure here, Mr. Wilson has visited all.departments and many job sites identifying potential risks, set new personal protection equipment standards for all employees, hosted his first safety meeting and organized a Safety Committee which includes employees from each department, they will coordinate with Mr. Wilson to make sure each departments needs are adequately met. The Safety Committee consists of Blake Wilson-Risk Manager, Jason Phifer-Overhead Electrical, Darren Prysock-Underground Electrical, William Bayles-Wastewater Treatment, Tom Johnson-Wastewater Collections, and Justin Cornett-Water Distribution.

While Mr. Wilson works with each department head and all utilities employees, he works under the direction of Benton Utilities General Manager Terry McKinney.

Benton Utilities | 1827 Dale Avenue | Benton, AR 72015

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